
Brodies, Edinburgh

A People Focused Workplace

Moving office to Capital Square presented an opportunity for Brodies to re-think and reimagine their workspace for the 21st century. A people-focused design, it prioritises natural light, movement, social interaction and biophilia. Consequently it was the first project in Scotland to achieve WELL Platinum accreditation.

  • Location Capital Square, Edinburgh
  • Client Brodies LLP
  • Status Complete
  • Services Interior Design, Consultancy
  • Size 43,000 sqft

Evolution of Brodies Workspace

Consolidating their Edinburgh HQ to improve collaboration and social interaction was a priority for the new management team at Brodies.

Their new space in Capital Square had to work harder, be more efficient, provide greater choice, and ultimately create a flexible and dynamic place to work.

It provided an exciting opportunity to reset working behaviour and establish a new culture for a more dynamic, less formal organisation.

Accelerated Change

Change was accelerated by the covid pandemic which increased the value of the workplace as a destination.

‘Why would you come into the office?’

This was a question that had to be answered by a workplace that was attractive, technologically enabled and highly flexible.

Navigating the project through the pandemic and the subsequent delays to programme was a significant challenge.

However, the global pandemic also afforded the time and opportunity to review Brodies’ aspirations, engage fully with their colleagues and assess how the business was adapting. This ultimately accelerated their smart working agenda and resulted in a well-defined brief.

During the extended engagement process undertaken during lockdown, a variety of viewpoints were revealed. Whilst some of the senior partners were quite happy working from home, many of the junior staff were missing out. The learning benefits of an office environment couldn't be replicated whilst working from home, further supporting the need for an open and collaborative workplace.

The success of the project has been borne out by the return to the office statistics Brodies recorded – with utilisation being as high as 70% on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays."

“What signal – about how we value our colleagues – does the space make to our current colleagues and every recruit we might attract in the years ahead? A good one, of course! We will keep shouting about the differences it has made to the way we work and the pride our colleagues have in their firm."

- Nick Scott, Managing Partner

Well-being at Work

Wellbeing was a key influence on the design. Following the principles of WELL Accreditation led to circadian cycles informing the lighting controls and considered use of biophilia throughout.

Providing access to the stunning views of Edinburgh for all users further improves well-being. But enclosed spaces for focussed, quiet working and reflection are also easily accessible.

A truly people focused design supports Brodies emerging wellbeing policies – encouraging nourishment, fitness, movement, interaction. Access to biophilia, outdoor space, views, artwork, a variety of focussed and collaborative spaces were all encompassed into the design.

This project has people, health and wellbeing at its heart. Commitment to client and colleagues experience has resulted in the space becoming the first WELL Platinum certified office in Scotland.

Unexpected Impact

Some of the team's biggest sceptics have now become their greatest champions of the transformation to smart working and shared workspace.

Their trailblazing approach to provide full flexibility to their colleagues has transformed them from a corporate and traditional business to dynamic, thought leaders. Their workplace is more inviting and welcoming, putting their colleagues and clients at ease and creating a better experience overall.

The colleague experience at Brodies has been transformed, and this is down to the vision of the Partners and their commitment to invest in quality. Biophilia, art, daylight and views, quiet focus and collaboration, variety of worksettings, colour and texture – all contribute to the mental and physical nourishment of the user. Alongside the generous provision of breakout and tech enabled spaces, affords Brodies’ colleagues the very best in modern working practices. The success of the project has been borne out by the return to the office statistics Brodies recorded – with utilisation being as high as 70% on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

The design supports Brodies brand ambitions to be a far more accessible, inclusive, approachable – and less corporate – law firm.


  • BCOFit-out of WorkplaceRegional Winner2023